
GTIN - Dun 14 - Ean 14 - Ucc 14

Ean 14 sous forme de code à barres GS1 128 Ean 128
Ean 14 sous forme de code à barres ITF 14
Ean 14 sous forme de code à barres Databar

GTIN, Ean 14, Dun 14, Ucc 14 : Denominations that cause confusion...

The terms Ean 13, Ean 8, GS1 128 or Ean 128 unambiguously determine a type of barcode.

For the terms "Ean 14", "GTIN 12", "GTIN 13" or "GTIN 14", abbreviations of "Global Trade Item Number", these have a different meaning and are often misunderstood.

An "Ean 14" or "GTIN 12, 13 or 14" is not a bar code, it's a 14-digit number that can be barred in different ways.

This number uniquely identifies a product or set of products referenced by a manufacturer, for example :

Designed for reception and warehousing services, it is presented on overpacks in the form of barcodes :

The GS1 128 / Ean 128 and ITF 14 barcodes should not normally appear on the products themselves, since the Databar barcodes have been specified for this purpose.

The choice of the ITF 14, Ean 128 or Databar barcode standards is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the products. Some technical considerations can nevertheless provide useful guidance.

When should we choose the ITF 14 barcode symbology ?

Ean14 sous forme de code à barres ITF14

The ITF 14 barcode symbology is recommended when :

Consult the ITF 14 Barcode TransBar offer

When should we choose the GS1 128 - Ean 128 barcode symbology ?

Ean14 sous forme de code à barres GS1128 Ean128

The GS1 128 - Ean 128 barcode symbology is recommended when :

Note that the message GS1 128 / Ean 128 is identical to the number Ean 14, except that it is preceded :

Consult the GS1 128 / Ean 128 Barcode TransBar offer

When should we choose the Databar barcode symbology ?

Ean 14 sous forme de code à barres Databar

The Databar barcode symbology is recommended when :

Consult detailled informations about the Databar symbology

How to constitute a number Ean 14 ?

The creation of an Ean 14 number is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the overpacked product :

In practice, the following rules are adopted :